Installing simple CMS is actually quite easy.  Just extract to the root (This will also work with sub directories, if you need to) of your website.  Ensure your web server is configured to open "index.php" as a default document, and everything is set and ready to go.  All you will need now is to configure PHP.  Below are the options you will want to consider, The first two are required, the rest is optional.

This was designed with magic quotes turned on:

     magic_quotes_gpc = On

You will need short tags on:

     short_open_tag = On

You may want to consider changing the maximum uploaded file size, post needs to be changed here with it to allow the larger file.:

     upload_max_filesize = 100M
     post_max_size = 110M

And if you did, you may want to allow scripts to have more time processing files:

     max_execution_time = 3600

Finally once you know everything is working you will definitely want to:

     display_errors = Off

Seijinohki ©1998-2007 Jo-Anna Wall. Seijinohki soft™ Seijinohki PC Services. Webdesign ©10/20/2005 Jo-Anna Wall (Seijinohki PC Services).